Recent Lectures

Recent Lectures

Jewish Holidays

The Keys to Change Your Mazal Before Rosh Hashana

Audio Lecture
N/A R' Shimon Kessin

Ramchal Yahrtzeit

The Iranian Nuclear Threat And Its Connection To The Messianic Process

How do we understand what's going on in the Middle East, the Arab Spring, the Iranian Nuclear threat and its promise to annihilate the Jewish State, the United Nations complacency, The American situation. The narcissism and megalomania of our current society. Where is all this leading to.
Audio Lecture
N/A Rabbi Shimon Kessin


The Iranian Nuclear Threat As For-told By The Sages

How did the Rabbis foresee the Iranian Nuclear threat and its rise to power as the Third Temple is about to be rebuilt. A deep connection between ancient Persia and modern-day Iran. The players have changed, however the message is the same.
Video Lecture
N/A Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Ramchal Yahrtzeit 5776/2016

What Does The Moment Of The Redemption Look Like?

A most fascinating lecture on what processes will be taking place when the Messianic redemption begins. It deals with different consciousnesses, the process of zichuch (spiritual purification) and the revival of the dead (techiyas hameisim).
Video Lecture
N/A Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Ramchal Yahrtzeit 5775/2015

Selfology: The Study of Self Consciousness, Its Permutations and Variations

This is a very fascinating lecture delving into some very deep philosophical concepts of Self Awareness, its different variations and how they connect to the macro attributes of Justice and Mercy. The concept of Nahama Dekisufa is discussed on a very deep level and how it aggravates Self Awareness itself. The lecturer then demonstrates two different lenses of how one can observe reality: Organismic Reality vs. Separatistic Individualistic Reality. This lecture also identifies the key features of the soul and the body, spirituality and physicality, the consciousness of the world to come (Olam Habbah) vs present-day consciousness.
Video Lecture
N/A Rabbi Shimon Kessin