
The Process of Tikun (תיקון) and The Concept of Perfection (שלימות)

Series 2 - Lecture 4 

 The structural approach to the study of Hashkafa

•  The way of the הנהגת המשפט

•  The concept of חסרון and שלימות

•  G-d's revealed operative mode: הארת והסתר פנים

•  The acquisition of שלימות

•  The essential purpose of the יצר הרע


Hanhagos ha'mishpat are those series of activities whose specific objective is to correct the shortcoming of the bread of shame. Hanhagaos ha'yichud are those series of activities which G-d performs whose specific objective is to ensure that the tikun of the bread of shame takes place and to make sure somebody reaches the World to Come. In the World to Come, there is only hanhagas ha'mishpat and no hanhagas ha'yichud. If you want to complete yourself, to achieve a level of perception, the way to do that is by becoming davek, by cleaving to G-d. The way G-d works in the way He creates everything is through her'a and hester, showing or hiding Himself. Her'as panav means that G-d allows His presence to be felt or to be projected out upon us.
