Hashkafa: Basic

Hashkafa Basic

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 1

The Critical Necessity for Studying Hashkafa - Part 1

  • The essential purpose of Hashkafa can be broken down into five sections:
    1. Our ability to comprehend G-d and His nature.
    2. Understanding the composition of reality, what it's made of, the types of beings that inhabit it, and the purpose of creation itself.
    3. Understanding the purpose of man, the מין האנושי, and the reason he was created.
    4. Understanding how to go about achieving that purpose and fulfilling G-d's will in detail.
    5. Understanding the inner meaning of a person's life.
  • The concept of יחוד הבורא ב"ה, and its revelation
Audio Lecture
N/A Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 2

Giluy and Hester Yichudo

The awareness and understanding the concept of His oneness in the sense that there is no other like Him.

  1. True fear of Heaven consists of understanding השגת יחודו.
  2. The greater the understanding of hasagas yechudo, the greater the capacity is for fear of Heaven.
  3. The evil inclination attempts to conceal hasagas yechudo by creating a situation of hiding His oneness by the creation of this world through the five senses, nature, and coincidence.
Audio Lecture
N/A Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 3

Validity of the Torah

Fundamentally, the strength of G-d exists in the fact that He is, that He is the only true power, His will is the only true will, and everything which occurs only occurs through His activity. This is defined by understanding that He alone exists, He alone has the power and the ability to do something, only His will can truly exist and only He is involved in actually affecting things in reality. Only His force moves all time and history. Understanding the oneness of the Creator can be attained by diligently learning the Torah, the prophets, their prophecies, and how to know who is a real prophet.
Audio Lecture
01:24 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 3

Validity of the Torah

Fundamentally, the strength of G-d exists in the fact that He is, that He is the only true power, His will is the only true will, and everything which occurs only occurs through His activity. This is defined by understanding that He alone exists, He alone has the power and the ability to do something, only His will can truly exist and only He is involved in actually affecting things in reality. Only His force moves all time and history. Understanding the oneness of the Creator can be attained by diligently learning the Torah, the prophets, their prophecies, and how to know who is a real prophet.
Audio Lecture
01:24 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 4

The Nature of G-ds Existence

Hashkafa essentially is the understanding of the hashgacha of creation itself, what we understand about G-d, the purpose of the creation, its composition, and the purpose of man. Understanding the concepts of G-d's essence and existence is to see that G-d is existence itself. It is ultimately beyond our comprehension, but we must realize that it is out of our reach. Man must come to an understanding that there are things that exist in this world that are beyond our comprehension, and just because we don't understand doesn't mean that they don't exist.
Audio Lecture
N/A Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 5

Beyond Existence

No matter how it is that G-d exists, it cannot be understood by man's limited mind. The whole essence of G-d is beyond existence, because His existence is beyond human understanding. Through understanding the way His existence is different and distinct from ours, we gain a much better concept of who we are in contrast to who He is.
Audio Lecture
01:32 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 5

Beyond Existence

No matter how it is that G-d exists, it cannot be understood by man's limited mind. The whole essence of G-d is beyond existence, because His existence is beyond human understanding. Through understanding the way His existence is different and distinct from ours, we gain a much better concept of who we are in contrast to who He is.
Audio Lecture
01:32 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 6

Tov U'metiv

G-d wanted to be metiv, so He needed an "other", which is the soul. The aim is to build an intimate relationship with G-d, where you experience an actual feeling of love. There is tremendous pleasure in this feeling, which is referred to as dvekus or cleaving. Everyone is capable of achieving dvekus with G-d. Through developing this intense love, the soul is capable of becoming aware of G-d not only in thought but in feeling, in hargasha.
Audio Lecture
01:29 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 6

Tov U'metiv

G-d wanted to be metiv, so He needed an "other", which is the soul. The aim is to build an intimate relationship with G-d, where you experience an actual feeling of love. There is tremendous pleasure in this feeling, which is referred to as dvekus or cleaving. Everyone is capable of achieving dvekus with G-d. Through developing this intense love, the soul is capable of becoming aware of G-d not only in thought but in feeling, in hargasha.
Audio Lecture
01:29 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 7

Bread of Shame

We see that the world is filled with pain and suffering. Why? What purpose does it serve? Nahama d'kisufa, bread of shame, is that the soul was constructed in such a way that it cannot just take and take. A person who has not in some way earned that which he has received, feels a lack of pride and respect. The soul also was created so that it would not be able to take without earning. G-d had to create a situation where the soul will get His hatava, and He had to create another situation prior to that for the soul to earn what it would receive later on. We earn in this world for the hatava, the World to Come.
Audio Lecture
01:31 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 7

Bread of Shame

We see that the world is filled with pain and suffering. Why? What purpose does it serve? Nahama d'kisufa, bread of shame, is that the soul was constructed in such a way that it cannot just take and take. A person who has not in some way earned that which he has received, feels a lack of pride and respect. The soul also was created so that it would not be able to take without earning. G-d had to create a situation where the soul will get His hatava, and He had to create another situation prior to that for the soul to earn what it would receive later on. We earn in this world for the hatava, the World to Come.
Audio Lecture
01:31 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 8

Hashkafa Explained

Hashkafa is normally learned in a very fragmented way. Each verse in the Torah is a universe unto itself. This is why the Torah is learned verse by verse. Everything in Torah and in life has a reason and a cheshbon and everything is interconnected. Therefore, it is best to understand the scope of it in a very connected framework.
Audio Lecture
00:32 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 8

Hashkafa Explained

Hashkafa is normally learned in a very fragmented way. Each verse in the Torah is a universe unto itself. This is why the Torah is learned verse by verse. Everything in Torah and in life has a reason and a cheshbon and everything is interconnected. Therefore, it is best to understand the scope of it in a very connected framework.
Audio Lecture
00:32 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 9

Illusions of the Mind

Everything comes to be only by the will of G-d, and yet we sometimes erroneously believe in the illusion of control over actions or time. Everything is from Heaven except for fear of Heaven. G-d wants to know how much you want to do what you want to do. Awareness is the conscious mind, and that is the emanation of self. Most of the body's actions are done without the self being aware of it. The self is aware of it when it concentrates on it after the effect, but the self does not determine all the actions of the body. It's all automatic. Without noticing, we are being externally controlled.
Audio Lecture
00:30 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 9

Illusions of the Mind

Everything comes to be only by the will of G-d, and yet we sometimes erroneously believe in the illusion of control over actions or time. Everything is from Heaven except for fear of Heaven. G-d wants to know how much you want to do what you want to do. Awareness is the conscious mind, and that is the emanation of self. Most of the body's actions are done without the self being aware of it. The self is aware of it when it concentrates on it after the effect, but the self does not determine all the actions of the body. It's all automatic. Without noticing, we are being externally controlled.
Audio Lecture
00:30 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 10

Free Will

There are some things that we can understand about G-d, even though most things are far beyond our comprehension. Torah is no less important than any wisdom or any profession. If you want to truly know and understand it then you must study it, which requires a significant devotion of time. Regarding free will, even though G-d knows the future does not mean it is determined. We know that G-d's existence is outside of time. Everything that occurs in the world except for free will is call hashpa'a mi'lamala lemata, influence from Above to below. G-d tells everyone and everything in creation what to do, but in the case of free will G-d must wait for us. It's separate from G-d, so the future is not set yet because it's dependent totally on us.
Audio Lecture
00:31 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 10

Free Will

There are some things that we can understand about G-d, even though most things are far beyond our comprehension. Torah is no less important than any wisdom or any profession. If you want to truly know and understand it then you must study it, which requires a significant devotion of time. Regarding free will, even though G-d knows the future does not mean it is determined. We know that G-d's existence is outside of time. Everything that occurs in the world except for free will is call hashpa'a mi'lamala lemata, influence from Above to below. G-d tells everyone and everything in creation what to do, but in the case of free will G-d must wait for us. It's separate from G-d, so the future is not set yet because it's dependent totally on us.
Audio Lecture
00:31 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 11

Free Will continued

Time is separate from free will. How can G-d know everything and still allow free will? G-d is existence, and therefore His knowledge is existence and He knows what everyone will do. Free will means that we determine it, that our will is not connected to any reality. To know why they cannot be answered is to know the difference between us and G-d clearly. It's the knowledge of the difference of two things.
Audio Lecture
00:30 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 11

Free Will continued

Time is separate from free will. How can G-d know everything and still allow free will? G-d is existence, and therefore His knowledge is existence and He knows what everyone will do. Free will means that we determine it, that our will is not connected to any reality. To know why they cannot be answered is to know the difference between us and G-d clearly. It's the knowledge of the difference of two things.
Audio Lecture
00:30 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 12

The Hidden השגחה: The הנהגת היחוד - Part One

Series 2 - Lecture 1

• Concept of the הנהגת היחוד

• Purpose of the הנהגת היחוד

• The relationship between the הנהגת המשפט and the הנהגת היחוד


There is another attribute emanating from G-d by virtue of who He is, and that is hanhagas ha'yichud or hanhagas ha'shlita. When man comes to the point that something goes wrong, hanhagas ha'yichud enters into the creation and in some way modifies the structure of hanhagas ha'mishpat. G-d wants man to achieve his objective through his own efforts, through hanhagas ha'mishpat. If man doesn't achieve it by his own efforts, then he will achieve it through the hanhagas ha'yichud. Hanhagas ha'yichud means that Hashem wants man to merit the World to Come, and in order to do it there's a certain amount of free will that's necessary.

Audio Lecture
N/A Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 13

The Hidden השגחה: The הנהגת היחוד  - Part Two

Series 2 - Lecture 2:

• The הנהגת המשפט and הנהגת היחוד as inverse השגחה manifestations

• The הנהגת היחוד as a design principle and a השגחה process


The first attribute which emanated from G-d was (הנהגת החסד (הטבה. Once נהמא דכיסופא (bread of shame), comes in, הנהגת החסד must take place through הנהגת המשפט, which creates the situation where the person must earn his own World to Come. If you create your World to Come, you have your World to Come; if you don't create it then you have no World to Come. This means that there is a REAL possibility that there will be no World to Come. The guarantee of הטבה means that there has to be a מטיב to an "other" a זולתו, someone else to be metiv to.

Audio Lecture
N/A Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 14

The Hidden השגחה: The הנהגת היחוד  - Part Three

Series 2 - Lecture 3

• The non-observant majority in Judaism today: an explanation


The time limit that G-d has put on this world is 6,000 years, and it's during these years we earn our World to Come. Yichud and mishpat are opposing forces. Mishpat works with its feet on the ground and its head in the air; yichud works with its head in the ground and its feet in the air. They work concurrently, but yichud enters in through mishpat. Mishpat works to correct the bread of shame, while yichud works to ensure that the hatava will be manifested in the end.

Audio Lecture
N/A Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 15

The Process of Tikun (תיקון) and The Concept of Perfection (שלימות)

Series 2 - Lecture 4 

 The structural approach to the study of Hashkafa

•  The way of the הנהגת המשפט

•  The concept of חסרון and שלימות

•  G-d's revealed operative mode: הארת והסתר פנים

•  The acquisition of שלימות

•  The essential purpose of the יצר הרע


Hanhagos ha'mishpat are those series of activities whose specific objective is to correct the shortcoming of the bread of shame. Hanhagaos ha'yichud are those series of activities which G-d performs whose specific objective is to ensure that the tikun of the bread of shame takes place and to make sure somebody reaches the World to Come. In the World to Come, there is only hanhagas ha'mishpat and no hanhagas ha'yichud. If you want to complete yourself, to achieve a level of perception, the way to do that is by becoming davek, by cleaving to G-d. The way G-d works in the way He creates everything is through her'a and hester, showing or hiding Himself. Her'as panav means that G-d allows His presence to be felt or to be projected out upon us.

Audio Lecture
N/A Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 16

The Creation of Man's Physical Body (גוף)

Series 2 - Lecture 5

• The purpose of the גוף

• The Yetzer Hatov and the intellect

• The concept of evil or רע 

Audio Lecture
00:46 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 17

The Body and Soul

The soul and the body are two opposites, one pulling toward G-d and one pulling away from him. Originally, the soul had the strength to lift up the body and purify it. After Adam's sin, the soul is given with a certain lack such that it cannot overpower the body and the body has just as much strength to pull down as the soul has to pull up. The aim of this world is to purify the body while being distracted by the evil inclination. If Adam had not sinned, he would have witnessed the change in his body and the entire Gan Eden around him. Now, we must fight our desires to be able to purify our bodies in this world so that we're able to achieve the World to Come.
Audio Lecture
01:03 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 17

The Body and Soul

The soul and the body are two opposites, one pulling toward G-d and one pulling away from him. Originally, the soul had the strength to lift up the body and purify it. After Adam's sin, the soul is given with a certain lack such that it cannot overpower the body and the body has just as much strength to pull down as the soul has to pull up. The aim of this world is to purify the body while being distracted by the evil inclination. If Adam had not sinned, he would have witnessed the change in his body and the entire Gan Eden around him. Now, we must fight our desires to be able to purify our bodies in this world so that we're able to achieve the World to Come.
Audio Lecture
01:03 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 18

Adam Harishon

After Adam's sin, what previously he could have attained through performing a single mitzvah, would now take many mitzvos to accomplish. If one were to take all the souls and put them together, they would equal Adam before he sinned. If Adam hadn't sinned, then he would have been the Mashiach. Before the sin, the evil inclination or the "other side" was outside of him. Once he sinned, the yetzer hara became part of his consciousness and all of creation and the world is said to be in a state of irbuvya, where good and evil are mixed together. As each generation sins more and more, people retain less free will. Death comes to repair the corruption, after which the soul would be allowed to go to the World to Come.
Audio Lecture
00:58 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 18

Adam Harishon

After Adam's sin, what previously he could have attained through performing a single mitzvah, would now take many mitzvos to accomplish. If one were to take all the souls and put them together, they would equal Adam before he sinned. If Adam hadn't sinned, then he would have been the Mashiach. Before the sin, the evil inclination or the "other side" was outside of him. Once he sinned, the yetzer hara became part of his consciousness and all of creation and the world is said to be in a state of irbuvya, where good and evil are mixed together. As each generation sins more and more, people retain less free will. Death comes to repair the corruption, after which the soul would be allowed to go to the World to Come.
Audio Lecture
00:58 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 19


The one who is meant to accept the Torah from G-d is man, and man is composed of a soul and a body. Once the soul is placed in the body it becomes imprisoned in terms of its ability to experience certain realities. It can no longer experience its own reality, which is ruchniyus or spirituality. Even though G-d's presence is hidden and no longer known, the soul is still able to connect to its own reality and it can feel aspects of spirituality filtered through the sechel, the mind. G-d's intention was that the soul and the body together would both enter the World to Come. In order to do this, the soul must purify the body through Torah and mitzvos.
Audio Lecture
01:03 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 19


The one who is meant to accept the Torah from G-d is man, and man is composed of a soul and a body. Once the soul is placed in the body it becomes imprisoned in terms of its ability to experience certain realities. It can no longer experience its own reality, which is ruchniyus or spirituality. Even though G-d's presence is hidden and no longer known, the soul is still able to connect to its own reality and it can feel aspects of spirituality filtered through the sechel, the mind. G-d's intention was that the soul and the body together would both enter the World to Come. In order to do this, the soul must purify the body through Torah and mitzvos.
Audio Lecture
01:03 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 20

Life and Death

The fundamental principle is that G-d had a purpose for Adam. Adam failed, which was disastrous both for himself and for the entire world. G-d decided that such power will no longer belong to a single individual, so He took Adam's soul and fragmented it into many different souls. All men come from Adam and all women come from Chava. The evil inclination was originally created with enormous power, but was very small. After Adam's sin, the evil inclination became very great when it became interwoven through all of creation, which is called tigbores hara. When the evil becomes greater, it is now necessary to remove the corruption through action.
Audio Lecture
00:48 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 20

Life and Death

The fundamental principle is that G-d had a purpose for Adam. Adam failed, which was disastrous both for himself and for the entire world. G-d decided that such power will no longer belong to a single individual, so He took Adam's soul and fragmented it into many different souls. All men come from Adam and all women come from Chava. The evil inclination was originally created with enormous power, but was very small. After Adam's sin, the evil inclination became very great when it became interwoven through all of creation, which is called tigbores hara. When the evil becomes greater, it is now necessary to remove the corruption through action.
Audio Lecture
00:48 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 21

Purification of this World

Whenever one does mitzvos, oros come down on the soul and it becomes more perfect and powerful. It now has the power to take the body, which is much more base, and purify it. That is the zikuch, the purification. This constitutes the setting for the World to Come, because not only is the body purified, but the world itself becomes purified. This world in a purified state would become the World to Come.
Audio Lecture
01:03 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 21

Purification of this World

Whenever one does mitzvos, oros come down on the soul and it becomes more perfect and powerful. It now has the power to take the body, which is much more base, and purify it. That is the zikuch, the purification. This constitutes the setting for the World to Come, because not only is the body purified, but the world itself becomes purified. This world in a purified state would become the World to Come.
Audio Lecture
01:03 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 22


True wisdom means to gradually develop a set of ideas and to understand the consequences of these ideas and how they interrelate. As we build, we begin to see how the new ideas relate to the old ideas and vice versa. Yechida is the soul that gives a person the capacity to see from one end of the world to the other. The process of Mashiach Ben David is to bring down light by doing mitzvos through free will. The process of Mashiach Ben Yosef is to do a mitzvah when it's much more difficult, which requires a much more powerful level of devotion and self-sacrifice. If you can manifest free will in a klipa, the test is bigger because of the consequences involved.
Audio Lecture
00:55 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 22


True wisdom means to gradually develop a set of ideas and to understand the consequences of these ideas and how they interrelate. As we build, we begin to see how the new ideas relate to the old ideas and vice versa. Yechida is the soul that gives a person the capacity to see from one end of the world to the other. The process of Mashiach Ben David is to bring down light by doing mitzvos through free will. The process of Mashiach Ben Yosef is to do a mitzvah when it's much more difficult, which requires a much more powerful level of devotion and self-sacrifice. If you can manifest free will in a klipa, the test is bigger because of the consequences involved.
Audio Lecture
00:55 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 23

Jews and Non-Jews

There are many different kinds of nations in the world and we see that most of the world does not know anything about the Torah. The fact that there are Jews and non-Jews is a consequence of Adam's sin, which means that originally G-d never had the intention to divide mankind between Jews and non-Jews. It was the purpose of Adam to reach the World to Come through performing a single mitzvah and Adam failed. This failure was continued on to his descendants. They too failed, and therefore his descendants were separated into two different groups - those who failed, the eventual non-Jews; and then there was Avraham. Avraham and his descendants retained the goal of the World to Come. Yet it was only after all the nations refused the Torah that they were eventually cut off from the World to Come.
Audio Lecture
01:33 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 23

Jews and Non-Jews

There are many different kinds of nations in the world and we see that most of the world does not know anything about the Torah. The fact that there are Jews and non-Jews is a consequence of Adam's sin, which means that originally G-d never had the intention to divide mankind between Jews and non-Jews. It was the purpose of Adam to reach the World to Come through performing a single mitzvah and Adam failed. This failure was continued on to his descendants. They too failed, and therefore his descendants were separated into two different groups - those who failed, the eventual non-Jews; and then there was Avraham. Avraham and his descendants retained the goal of the World to Come. Yet it was only after all the nations refused the Torah that they were eventually cut off from the World to Come.
Audio Lecture
01:33 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 24

Recovery through Suffering

To understand the interrelationships of all souls is to understand all of human history. Once the collective becomes fragmented, it never comes together again. We enter the World to Come as we are, with our minds, our consciousness. When the whole of Israel commit certain sins they lose their spirituality, and all the great power that should come from it is lost to the nations of the world. It is possible for the whole of Israel to reclaim this power through hardships at the hands of those other nations. The ones who are responsible for the spiritual destruction of the whole of Israel today are other Jews who sin and cause others to sin.
Audio Lecture
01:32 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 24

Recovery through Suffering

To understand the interrelationships of all souls is to understand all of human history. Once the collective becomes fragmented, it never comes together again. We enter the World to Come as we are, with our minds, our consciousness. When the whole of Israel commit certain sins they lose their spirituality, and all the great power that should come from it is lost to the nations of the world. It is possible for the whole of Israel to reclaim this power through hardships at the hands of those other nations. The ones who are responsible for the spiritual destruction of the whole of Israel today are other Jews who sin and cause others to sin.
Audio Lecture
01:32 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 25

Meriting the World to Come

By the time Avraham Avinu came upon the scene, the midas ha'din said that all the people in the world did not have the good deeds to reach the minimum level of the World to Come. The World to Come demands a certain minimum level of holiness. Since Adam there has not been anyone with enough to merit the World to Come until Avraham Avinu. Through Avraham, G-d would retain the goal of the World to Come.
Audio Lecture
01:32 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 25

Meriting the World to Come

By the time Avraham Avinu came upon the scene, the midas ha'din said that all the people in the world did not have the good deeds to reach the minimum level of the World to Come. The World to Come demands a certain minimum level of holiness. Since Adam there has not been anyone with enough to merit the World to Come until Avraham Avinu. Through Avraham, G-d would retain the goal of the World to Come.
Audio Lecture
01:32 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 26

Non-Jewish Powers

The Satan essentially received his power from a source of holiness, because nothing can exist in the world unless it in some way draws on holiness. Holiness is true substance and everything in the world must have some spark of it to survive. Holiness is that substance which G-d infuses into beings to give it existence. Therefore, the Satan also requires holiness. Through the seven original mitzvos of Noach, non-Jews can get spiritual strength and merit in this world. When a non-Jew is born into a certain nation and he has that spiritual strength, he already has described to a certain degree what accomplishment he's going to have. A non-Jew who merits the World to Come is different that a Jew who merits the World to Come.
Audio Lecture
01:33 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 26

Non-Jewish Powers

The Satan essentially received his power from a source of holiness, because nothing can exist in the world unless it in some way draws on holiness. Holiness is true substance and everything in the world must have some spark of it to survive. Holiness is that substance which G-d infuses into beings to give it existence. Therefore, the Satan also requires holiness. Through the seven original mitzvos of Noach, non-Jews can get spiritual strength and merit in this world. When a non-Jew is born into a certain nation and he has that spiritual strength, he already has described to a certain degree what accomplishment he's going to have. A non-Jew who merits the World to Come is different that a Jew who merits the World to Come.
Audio Lecture
01:33 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 27

Nations of the World

History books usually detail information about different governments and the rise and fall of empires. Most people think that what happens to any given nation is controlled by what its government decides. If a harsh dictator rises to power, it is only because G-d is punishing that specific nation. There are many different nations, people, and cultures and each is totally unique from the next. The Torah explains that this is a direct result of divine providence. If you could put your finger on the process in each generation, you would understand the basic roots of the entire divine providence at that time and how it influenced the next generation.
Audio Lecture
01:33 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 27

Nations of the World

History books usually detail information about different governments and the rise and fall of empires. Most people think that what happens to any given nation is controlled by what its government decides. If a harsh dictator rises to power, it is only because G-d is punishing that specific nation. There are many different nations, people, and cultures and each is totally unique from the next. The Torah explains that this is a direct result of divine providence. If you could put your finger on the process in each generation, you would understand the basic roots of the entire divine providence at that time and how it influenced the next generation.
Audio Lecture
01:33 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 28

Suffering with Purpose

The Satan knows when he's getting stronger, but he doesn't know when he's getting weaker. Through hardships and suffering, we are able to take back the oros that the Satan gained from our sinning. To seduce, to prosecute, and to destroy are the three functions of the Satan. When a person sins, a klipa comes on him and he loses the oros to the Satan. The retrieval of these oros are dependent on the suffering that comes upon the sinner.
Audio Lecture
01:14 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 28

Suffering with Purpose

The Satan knows when he's getting stronger, but he doesn't know when he's getting weaker. Through hardships and suffering, we are able to take back the oros that the Satan gained from our sinning. To seduce, to prosecute, and to destroy are the three functions of the Satan. When a person sins, a klipa comes on him and he loses the oros to the Satan. The retrieval of these oros are dependent on the suffering that comes upon the sinner.
Audio Lecture
01:14 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 29

Competing with the Satan

The nations of the world have a special relationship with the Satan because they all became evildoers and cleave to imputiry, such that they now derive their power from the Satan. The whole of Israel get their power from holiness. Certain nations have much greater oros and power than others and that's because of free will. When the holiness is in the hands of the nations of the world, then in the oz mode it's manifested as success. In the tiferes mode it's manifested as wisdom in materialistic areas. The nations of the world only get the oros of the whole of Israel when they sin. If the whole of Israel do mitzvos, then they get the oros from the source of holiness itself.
Audio Lecture
01:33 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 29

Competing with the Satan

The nations of the world have a special relationship with the Satan because they all became evildoers and cleave to imputiry, such that they now derive their power from the Satan. The whole of Israel get their power from holiness. Certain nations have much greater oros and power than others and that's because of free will. When the holiness is in the hands of the nations of the world, then in the oz mode it's manifested as success. In the tiferes mode it's manifested as wisdom in materialistic areas. The nations of the world only get the oros of the whole of Israel when they sin. If the whole of Israel do mitzvos, then they get the oros from the source of holiness itself.
Audio Lecture
01:33 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 30

Evil versus Evil

In order for a nation to become a repository of the oros of the whole of Israel, it must have a certain amount of holiness and impurity as well. The impurity level corresponds to the impurity that the whole of Israel bring in by their sins. The worse the sin, the higher the level of impurity. Therefore when you lose the oros to the impurity, the oros are embedded in deeper levels of impurity. In order to get them back, you must go just as deep to retrieve those lost oros. The kind of sin the whole of Israel does determines the kind of nation it will interact with, and therefore determines to which nation it will be exiled into. The impurity that the whole of Israel produces can never exceed that of the nations of the world because then those oros would be lost forever. For the whole of Israel to begin the process of redemption they must be consumed by the nation which can hold the highest level of impurity, and that nation is Amalek.
Audio Lecture
01:33 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 30

Evil versus Evil

In order for a nation to become a repository of the oros of the whole of Israel, it must have a certain amount of holiness and impurity as well. The impurity level corresponds to the impurity that the whole of Israel bring in by their sins. The worse the sin, the higher the level of impurity. Therefore when you lose the oros to the impurity, the oros are embedded in deeper levels of impurity. In order to get them back, you must go just as deep to retrieve those lost oros. The kind of sin the whole of Israel does determines the kind of nation it will interact with, and therefore determines to which nation it will be exiled into. The impurity that the whole of Israel produces can never exceed that of the nations of the world because then those oros would be lost forever. For the whole of Israel to begin the process of redemption they must be consumed by the nation which can hold the highest level of impurity, and that nation is Amalek.
Audio Lecture
01:33 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 31

Mashiach ben David and Mashiach ben Joseph

In terms of the evil inclination, it is the function of the Mashiach ben Yosef to remove the disfigurement of the snake and it is the function of Mashiach ben David to remove the snake, which is the World to Come. In terms of creation, Mashiach ben Yosef has to take back all the oros and restore the creation to a state of purity, and then Mashiach ben David has to take the creation and raise it to a level of holiness, which is the World to Come.
Audio Lecture
01:34 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 31

Mashiach ben David and Mashiach ben Joseph

In terms of the evil inclination, it is the function of the Mashiach ben Yosef to remove the disfigurement of the snake and it is the function of Mashiach ben David to remove the snake, which is the World to Come. In terms of creation, Mashiach ben Yosef has to take back all the oros and restore the creation to a state of purity, and then Mashiach ben David has to take the creation and raise it to a level of holiness, which is the World to Come.
Audio Lecture
01:34 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 32

Believing in Mashiach

The purpose of the exile in Egypt was to take away the impurity that went into creation because of Adam's sin and to restore the oros. The process of leaving Egypt was the redemption of Mashiach Ben Yosef at the hands of Moshe. The nation of Israel understood and believed completely that leaving Egypt was part of the Messianic process. Only the Mashiach Ben Yosef could separate Israel from the impurity and bring them into a state of redemption. The Mashiach Ben David process is to bring the world from a level of the Messianic era up to a level of the World to Come, which is the matter of Adam before the sin. The vision of Moshe dying was a test of the whole of Israel being a choice of believing in what G-d said. When they constructed the Golden Calf, the reasoning was that if Moshe was dead then they needed another Mashiach Ben Yosef - and that is fundamentally symbolized by a bull. Just like the power of Yosef took us out of Egypt, so too will this golden calf go on and represent the power of Yosef to bring us to the Messianic era. Klal Yisrael had the power to choose in what G-d said instead of believing in the vision that the Satan showed them. The Satan actually made the matter of Mashiach an evil inclination in and of itself.
Audio Lecture
01:36 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 32

Believing in Mashiach

The purpose of the exile in Egypt was to take away the impurity that went into creation because of Adam's sin and to restore the oros. The process of leaving Egypt was the redemption of Mashiach Ben Yosef at the hands of Moshe. The nation of Israel understood and believed completely that leaving Egypt was part of the Messianic process. Only the Mashiach Ben Yosef could separate Israel from the impurity and bring them into a state of redemption. The Mashiach Ben David process is to bring the world from a level of the Messianic era up to a level of the World to Come, which is the matter of Adam before the sin. The vision of Moshe dying was a test of the whole of Israel being a choice of believing in what G-d said. When they constructed the Golden Calf, the reasoning was that if Moshe was dead then they needed another Mashiach Ben Yosef - and that is fundamentally symbolized by a bull. Just like the power of Yosef took us out of Egypt, so too will this golden calf go on and represent the power of Yosef to bring us to the Messianic era. Klal Yisrael had the power to choose in what G-d said instead of believing in the vision that the Satan showed them. The Satan actually made the matter of Mashiach an evil inclination in and of itself.
Audio Lecture
01:36 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 33

Living in the Moment

When a mitzvah or a sin comes to your hand, it would be extremely beneficial to realize this aspect, but it's not easy. "Im lo achshav aymasai," if not now, when? Free will is only in the present and this moment is in your control. Since a person lives only from moment to moment, the existence in which you're living at any particular point in time is the total existence for you and all reality. By doing a mitzvah, you infuse all of existence with holiness and when you sin, you infuse all of existence with impurity.
Audio Lecture
01:06 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 33

Living in the Moment

When a mitzvah or a sin comes to your hand, it would be extremely beneficial to realize this aspect, but it's not easy. "Im lo achshav aymasai," if not now, when? Free will is only in the present and this moment is in your control. Since a person lives only from moment to moment, the existence in which you're living at any particular point in time is the total existence for you and all reality. By doing a mitzvah, you infuse all of existence with holiness and when you sin, you infuse all of existence with impurity.
Audio Lecture
01:06 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 34

The Purpose of Egypt

Avraham was told hundreds of years before that his children would go into Egypt for 400 years and then they would come out with "great wealth". The entering of the Jewish nation into Egypt was a premeditated affair. The test of Adam after his sin was a test in the reshus, or authority, of the Satan. This meant that Adam had to be omed be'nisayon be'reshuso which is much more difficult than doing shelo be'reshuso. If you're omed be'nesayon be'reshuso, you weaken him and cripple the Satan so that he begins to withdraw out of creation. This is the process of purification. When G-d created the world, He basically constructed two entities, the World to Come and mankind. Before the sin mankind was completely symbolized by Adam; therefore Adam was the one who was supposed to be the sole recipient of the World to Come. Obviously, there was a certain amount of the World to Come created for Adam. Had he withstood the test, he would have merited that amount of the World to Come. After the sin, Adam's soul was fragmented so it was no longer a single soul that merited the World to Come. Instead, the World to Come was also framented in a parallel transformation. With each step of mankind, there is a parallel step in the World to Come because the two are inextricably connected. The World to Come was fragmented in correlation to Adam's soul, so that each part of his soul would receive an equal part in the World to Come.
Audio Lecture
01:34 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 34

The Purpose of Egypt

Avraham was told hundreds of years before that his children would go into Egypt for 400 years and then they would come out with "great wealth". The entering of the Jewish nation into Egypt was a premeditated affair. The test of Adam after his sin was a test in the reshus, or authority, of the Satan. This meant that Adam had to be omed be'nisayon be'reshuso which is much more difficult than doing shelo be'reshuso. If you're omed be'nesayon be'reshuso, you weaken him and cripple the Satan so that he begins to withdraw out of creation. This is the process of purification. When G-d created the world, He basically constructed two entities, the World to Come and mankind. Before the sin mankind was completely symbolized by Adam; therefore Adam was the one who was supposed to be the sole recipient of the World to Come. Obviously, there was a certain amount of the World to Come created for Adam. Had he withstood the test, he would have merited that amount of the World to Come. After the sin, Adam's soul was fragmented so it was no longer a single soul that merited the World to Come. Instead, the World to Come was also framented in a parallel transformation. With each step of mankind, there is a parallel step in the World to Come because the two are inextricably connected. The World to Come was fragmented in correlation to Adam's soul, so that each part of his soul would receive an equal part in the World to Come.
Audio Lecture
01:34 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 35

The Tests of Egypt

Moshe told the whole of Israel when leaving Egypt that if at any point they failed to uphold the Torah in some way, Egypt would no longer be involved. Instead, G-d would choose another nation since Egypt had already served its purpose. After the nation failed through the sin of the Golden Calf, Amalek was chosen as the ikar uma notel kilkul kulam was because they were mekareres ha'kedera. The Nation of Israel would to go into the hands of this new nation to merit the time of the Mashiach and to restore creation. Israel became the exclusive owners of the World to Come after G-d offered all the nations of the world their portion in the World to Come and they refused. This was through the tests of the exodus from Egypt and the splitting of the Red Sea.
Audio Lecture
01:34 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 35

The Tests of Egypt

Moshe told the whole of Israel when leaving Egypt that if at any point they failed to uphold the Torah in some way, Egypt would no longer be involved. Instead, G-d would choose another nation since Egypt had already served its purpose. After the nation failed through the sin of the Golden Calf, Amalek was chosen as the ikar uma notel kilkul kulam was because they were mekareres ha'kedera. The Nation of Israel would to go into the hands of this new nation to merit the time of the Mashiach and to restore creation. Israel became the exclusive owners of the World to Come after G-d offered all the nations of the world their portion in the World to Come and they refused. This was through the tests of the exodus from Egypt and the splitting of the Red Sea.
Audio Lecture
01:34 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 36

The Firstborn

By the time Egypt was subjected to the plague of darkness, they already knew it was over because that plague essentially told the Egyptians they had no power. Once they lost the power of the sun, they realized that they were impoverished from their power. The plague on the firstborn was the greatest and most powerful of all the plagues in Egypt. The firstborn of every family is the main spiritual power in that family. Adam was the first firstborn to exist and because of his corruption, that firstborn right was given out to his descendents. It went on to Avraham, but he had to purify it for it to have any use. Through Egypt, the firstborn of creation was restored. Israel went into Egypt itself and through the enslavement they purified this tremendous corruption the nations of the world brought on the Shechina and the entire light of spirituality itself. The plague on the firstborn is the loss of the firstborn of creation from Egypt which they had from the power of being notel kilkul kulam. They lost it to the People of Israel, who became the firstborn of creation.
Audio Lecture
01:35 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 36

The Firstborn

By the time Egypt was subjected to the plague of darkness, they already knew it was over because that plague essentially told the Egyptians they had no power. Once they lost the power of the sun, they realized that they were impoverished from their power. The plague on the firstborn was the greatest and most powerful of all the plagues in Egypt. The firstborn of every family is the main spiritual power in that family. Adam was the first firstborn to exist and because of his corruption, that firstborn right was given out to his descendents. It went on to Avraham, but he had to purify it for it to have any use. Through Egypt, the firstborn of creation was restored. Israel went into Egypt itself and through the enslavement they purified this tremendous corruption the nations of the world brought on the Shechina and the entire light of spirituality itself. The plague on the firstborn is the loss of the firstborn of creation from Egypt which they had from the power of being notel kilkul kulam. They lost it to the People of Israel, who became the firstborn of creation.
Audio Lecture
01:35 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 37

The Days of Mashiach

The Mashiach has two functions, one when he becomes Mashiach and one before he becomes Mashiach. The Mashiach has certain things he must do before becoming the Mashiach. The era of Mashiach is a certain period of time which exists right before the year 6000. From the year that Mashiach comes until the year 6000 is the time of the Messianic era. The world before and after Mashiach are very different periods. The period before has a certain quality of hiddenness; the period after has a tremendous amount of revelation. The World to Come is only after the year 6000 and is much more powerful than the Messianic era.
Audio Lecture
01:35 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 37

The Days of Mashiach

The Mashiach has two functions, one when he becomes Mashiach and one before he becomes Mashiach. The Mashiach has certain things he must do before becoming the Mashiach. The era of Mashiach is a certain period of time which exists right before the year 6000. From the year that Mashiach comes until the year 6000 is the time of the Messianic era. The world before and after Mashiach are very different periods. The period before has a certain quality of hiddenness; the period after has a tremendous amount of revelation. The World to Come is only after the year 6000 and is much more powerful than the Messianic era.
Audio Lecture
01:35 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 38

The Two Mashichim

The matching of Yaakov and Leah separated the component of the Mashiach Ben David, and their son Yehuda was born with the power of the Mashiach Ben David. Rachel took from Yaakov the component of the Mashiach Ben Yosef when she had Yosef. The reason why it's not called the Mashiach Ben Yehuda is because he sinned with the sale of Yosef. Yosef accomplishes his purpose through leadership, and leadership is a quality that can be attached to any man. The Mashiach Ben David performs his job through kingship, and kingship is dynastic.
Audio Lecture
01:33 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 38

The Two Mashichim

The matching of Yaakov and Leah separated the component of the Mashiach Ben David, and their son Yehuda was born with the power of the Mashiach Ben David. Rachel took from Yaakov the component of the Mashiach Ben Yosef when she had Yosef. The reason why it's not called the Mashiach Ben Yehuda is because he sinned with the sale of Yosef. Yosef accomplishes his purpose through leadership, and leadership is a quality that can be attached to any man. The Mashiach Ben David performs his job through kingship, and kingship is dynastic.
Audio Lecture
01:33 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 39

Describing the Messianic Era

Mashiach can be brought about either through free will or through pain and suffering. When an opportunity arises for Mashiach to come and we fail to bring him, then it brings about even greater suffering. The fundamental characteristic of the Messianic era is the concept of giluy yechido, that the knowledge and understanding of G-d will be such that all people will know of the existence of G-d, the way He exists, His attributes, etc. All other religions will disappear from the earth and the purpose of Judaism will be clearly understood by every person alive at that time. The level of the Messianic era will be greater than the level of Adam before his sin, due to the removal of all the impurity inflicted upon creation.
Audio Lecture
01:33 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 39

Describing the Messianic Era

Mashiach can be brought about either through free will or through pain and suffering. When an opportunity arises for Mashiach to come and we fail to bring him, then it brings about even greater suffering. The fundamental characteristic of the Messianic era is the concept of giluy yechido, that the knowledge and understanding of G-d will be such that all people will know of the existence of G-d, the way He exists, His attributes, etc. All other religions will disappear from the earth and the purpose of Judaism will be clearly understood by every person alive at that time. The level of the Messianic era will be greater than the level of Adam before his sin, due to the removal of all the impurity inflicted upon creation.
Audio Lecture
01:33 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 40

Fixing Our Sins

The function of the Torah of Adam was to correct the snake because there was not yet corruption in creation. After his sin there was a spreading of foulness in his body, in creation, and in the various different activities or areas of human experience, which meant that there were more mitzvos. It went from one mitzvah to seven mitzvos. The Torah of Noach until the time of Moshe was fundamentally concerned with the correction of foulness and the fixing of the snake as well. By the time of the giving of the Torah, the sitra achra had been spreading in 613 areas of human experience, thus the 613 mitzvos to be correct the entire situation.
Audio Lecture
01:31 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 40

Fixing Our Sins

The function of the Torah of Adam was to correct the snake because there was not yet corruption in creation. After his sin there was a spreading of foulness in his body, in creation, and in the various different activities or areas of human experience, which meant that there were more mitzvos. It went from one mitzvah to seven mitzvos. The Torah of Noach until the time of Moshe was fundamentally concerned with the correction of foulness and the fixing of the snake as well. By the time of the giving of the Torah, the sitra achra had been spreading in 613 areas of human experience, thus the 613 mitzvos to be correct the entire situation.
Audio Lecture
01:31 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 41

The Messianic Light

The Torah that will be revealed in the Messianic era is referred to as the light of Mashiach. It is mentioned many times in the Prophets and Writings and in our prayers. It is a new light in the sense that it has never been revealed before, that it is the most powerful light, it is the most powerful truth that the world will ever experience. This light is very unique in the way that when you see it and you attain the truth of this particular revelation, you see very clearly with an absolute certainty that G-d exists and that His will is the sole will that guides creation. It will be known and clearly seen with absolute certainty that G-d is Lord, there is none other besides Him.
Audio Lecture
01:33 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 41

The Messianic Light

The Torah that will be revealed in the Messianic era is referred to as the light of Mashiach. It is mentioned many times in the Prophets and Writings and in our prayers. It is a new light in the sense that it has never been revealed before, that it is the most powerful light, it is the most powerful truth that the world will ever experience. This light is very unique in the way that when you see it and you attain the truth of this particular revelation, you see very clearly with an absolute certainty that G-d exists and that His will is the sole will that guides creation. It will be known and clearly seen with absolute certainty that G-d is Lord, there is none other besides Him.
Audio Lecture
01:33 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 42

The Appearance of the Messiah

The appearance of the Mashiach depends on the appearance of Israel. If Israel merits the Mashiach because of the righteous of the generation, then the Mashiach who appears is in the form of a righteous man himself. If, however, Israel merits the Mashiach because the time has arrived, then the Mashiach appears as a sickly person. The Ramchal says that fundamentally every gadol ha'dor from the beginning of time has the a certain power of the Shechina, but the Mashiach will have the Shechina dwell upon them like it did in the Temple.
Audio Lecture
01:32 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 42

The Appearance of the Messiah

The appearance of the Mashiach depends on the appearance of Israel. If Israel merits the Mashiach because of the righteous of the generation, then the Mashiach who appears is in the form of a righteous man himself. If, however, Israel merits the Mashiach because the time has arrived, then the Mashiach appears as a sickly person. The Ramchal says that fundamentally every gadol ha'dor from the beginning of time has the a certain power of the Shechina, but the Mashiach will have the Shechina dwell upon them like it did in the Temple.
Audio Lecture
01:32 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 43

Purifying the Messiah

The Mashiach Ben Yosef does not appear until all of creation is at the point where it has one more jump left to total purity, because he is the climax of that process and he brings the end. Since Adam's sin, the snake exuded a foulness which constituted his transformation into a different agent who's at war with man, whose sole goal is to destroy man. His power entered into the very nature of man and by doing this he is able to manipulate a person in such a way as to cut off certain elements of his free will. That foulness invades the Mashiach Ben Yosef as well. It is a cloned copy of the invasion of the foulness into Adam himself. In order for redemption to occur, all men must be restored to the level of Adam before the sin. It means the foulness must be removed not only from creation, but also from the inner nature of man and restoring all men to having 100 percent free will. Mashiach will remove the foulness first from himself and then from everyone else. The Mashiach will be the first man to resemble Adam since his time. By freeing himself, he will understand how to free all of mankind at the same time. Just as the nation of Israel and the Mashiach are in the klipa, the Torah is also in the klipa so that Israel does not merit to attain the light of truth of Torah or to attain His oneness. When the foulness is cleansed from the Mashiach Ben Yosef, the Shechina is lifted out, and it leaves the light of exile.
Audio Lecture
01:32 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 43

Purifying the Messiah

The Mashiach Ben Yosef does not appear until all of creation is at the point where it has one more jump left to total purity, because he is the climax of that process and he brings the end. Since Adam's sin, the snake exuded a foulness which constituted his transformation into a different agent who's at war with man, whose sole goal is to destroy man. His power entered into the very nature of man and by doing this he is able to manipulate a person in such a way as to cut off certain elements of his free will. That foulness invades the Mashiach Ben Yosef as well. It is a cloned copy of the invasion of the foulness into Adam himself. In order for redemption to occur, all men must be restored to the level of Adam before the sin. It means the foulness must be removed not only from creation, but also from the inner nature of man and restoring all men to having 100 percent free will. Mashiach will remove the foulness first from himself and then from everyone else. The Mashiach will be the first man to resemble Adam since his time. By freeing himself, he will understand how to free all of mankind at the same time. Just as the nation of Israel and the Mashiach are in the klipa, the Torah is also in the klipa so that Israel does not merit to attain the light of truth of Torah or to attain His oneness. When the foulness is cleansed from the Mashiach Ben Yosef, the Shechina is lifted out, and it leaves the light of exile.
Audio Lecture
01:32 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 44

Ushering in the Messiah

To understand the redemption you must understand Adam's sin, because the process will take place precisely in reverse of the process in which the exile took place. It's the removal of the foulness, therefore it's the reverse of the entire situation. Redemption is the final release and the final freeing of the world from the impurity. In the time of Adam before the sin there was no such thing as redemption because Adam was not in state of exile. The snake will only be removed completely at the end of the Messianic era. The World to Come is the finished state, where the world will be in a state of perfection.
Audio Lecture
01:32 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 44

Ushering in the Messiah

To understand the redemption you must understand Adam's sin, because the process will take place precisely in reverse of the process in which the exile took place. It's the removal of the foulness, therefore it's the reverse of the entire situation. Redemption is the final release and the final freeing of the world from the impurity. In the time of Adam before the sin there was no such thing as redemption because Adam was not in state of exile. The snake will only be removed completely at the end of the Messianic era. The World to Come is the finished state, where the world will be in a state of perfection.
Audio Lecture
01:32 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 45

Preparing for Messiah

If the Mashiach appeared now and suddenly revealed himself, Israel would become very frightened. Before the Mashiach comes, Klal Yisrael are in a very low state, heavily covered by a klipa. Their sensitivity to spirituality is dulled, their motivation to spirituality is very weak, and the sudden appearance of Mashiach would be threatening to them. There will be a specific action to raise Klal Yisrael out of the inyan of the klipos and give them an extraordinary sensitivity. There is additional dimension of a new spirit that comes down from the Heavens to us that suddenly every soul is activated and sensitized to a new level of Truth.
Audio Lecture
01:13 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 45

Preparing for Messiah

If the Mashiach appeared now and suddenly revealed himself, Israel would become very frightened. Before the Mashiach comes, Klal Yisrael are in a very low state, heavily covered by a klipa. Their sensitivity to spirituality is dulled, their motivation to spirituality is very weak, and the sudden appearance of Mashiach would be threatening to them. There will be a specific action to raise Klal Yisrael out of the inyan of the klipos and give them an extraordinary sensitivity. There is additional dimension of a new spirit that comes down from the Heavens to us that suddenly every soul is activated and sensitized to a new level of Truth.
Audio Lecture
01:13 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 46

Messianic Capabilities

One of the things that the Satan does is that he convinces us that our current emotional and physical states is synonymous with our reality and it never was different, nor will it ever be different. The way we are now is not the way that we are by nature, nor is it the way that we will be, nor was it the way we were. One of the curses after Adam's sin was the effort that man has to put in to eat. Before the sin, there was no effort needed. The same goes for Torah, you must put in effort to understand it. In the Messianic era, such a thing will no longer exist. The Mashiach will be able to explain everything according to Torah, be able to cure every man on earth from every internal conflict and free him completely.
Audio Lecture
01:29 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 46

Messianic Capabilities

One of the things that the Satan does is that he convinces us that our current emotional and physical states is synonymous with our reality and it never was different, nor will it ever be different. The way we are now is not the way that we are by nature, nor is it the way that we will be, nor was it the way we were. One of the curses after Adam's sin was the effort that man has to put in to eat. Before the sin, there was no effort needed. The same goes for Torah, you must put in effort to understand it. In the Messianic era, such a thing will no longer exist. The Mashiach will be able to explain everything according to Torah, be able to cure every man on earth from every internal conflict and free him completely.
Audio Lecture
01:29 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 47

Generational Focus

The midas ha'yichud means a certain aspect of the revelation of G-d's oneness. The midas ha'yichud of each generation changes and that becomes the pivot of the free will of that generation. In other words, each generation is attains His oneness differently and with each descending generation, the ability of the generation to attain His oneness decreases. The level attained also determines the nature of that world, meaning the actual physical laws and the actual personality of man. The psychological, intellectual, and physical status of the world at that time is determined by the midas ha'yichud.
Audio Lecture
01:32 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 47

Generational Focus

The midas ha'yichud means a certain aspect of the revelation of G-d's oneness. The midas ha'yichud of each generation changes and that becomes the pivot of the free will of that generation. In other words, each generation is attains His oneness differently and with each descending generation, the ability of the generation to attain His oneness decreases. The level attained also determines the nature of that world, meaning the actual physical laws and the actual personality of man. The psychological, intellectual, and physical status of the world at that time is determined by the midas ha'yichud.
Audio Lecture
01:32 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 48

The Power of Moshe

Before Moshe Rabbenu, the only Torah was the seven mitzvos of Noach's sons. Moshe succeeded in removing the Torah from a bigger klipa than it was before, but it was only a partial success. The Torah that he left us with, the Second Tablets, was a greater Torah than what the world had known before. He could not carry it to its fullest aspect because of the sin of the Golden Calf and the internalness of the Torah itself was missing. The main argument that Moshe had with G-d was the descration of G-d's Name when it came to saving them after the sin of the Golden Calf. The nations of the world would claim that G-d didn't have the ability to bring them to the Land of Israel and therefore destroyed them in the desert. Destroying Klal Yisrael in the desert would show that there are two authorities, G-d forbid, and that G-d didn't have the power to have mercy on them. Allowing Klal Yisrael to be saved whether or not they were meritorious would reveal G-d's oneness in a much greater way than their destruction and the subsequent creation of a new nation.
Audio Lecture
01:33 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 48

The Power of Moshe

Before Moshe Rabbenu, the only Torah was the seven mitzvos of Noach's sons. Moshe succeeded in removing the Torah from a bigger klipa than it was before, but it was only a partial success. The Torah that he left us with, the Second Tablets, was a greater Torah than what the world had known before. He could not carry it to its fullest aspect because of the sin of the Golden Calf and the internalness of the Torah itself was missing. The main argument that Moshe had with G-d was the descration of G-d's Name when it came to saving them after the sin of the Golden Calf. The nations of the world would claim that G-d didn't have the ability to bring them to the Land of Israel and therefore destroyed them in the desert. Destroying Klal Yisrael in the desert would show that there are two authorities, G-d forbid, and that G-d didn't have the power to have mercy on them. Allowing Klal Yisrael to be saved whether or not they were meritorious would reveal G-d's oneness in a much greater way than their destruction and the subsequent creation of a new nation.
Audio Lecture
01:33 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 49

Judgment Days

The Yom Ha'din or Day of Judgment of Rosh Hashanah is concerned with continuity in the matter of our efforts and whether there is more to accomplish. The Day of Judgment after death is a determination of what was accomplished and and whether enough was accomplished or if there is a need to repair or improve anything. The Day of Judgment of the year 6000 is the final one because it is concerned with whether or not the repair was accomplished within the allotted time. At the end of 6000 everything is taken into account, including things that took place after death. After the Day of Judgment, this world will no longer exist because it is the day when everything and everyone is judged for merit to enter the World to Come. Those who merit to go may begin the process. Those who do not merit cease to exist.
Audio Lecture
01:03 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 49

Judgment Days

The Yom Ha'din or Day of Judgment of Rosh Hashanah is concerned with continuity in the matter of our efforts and whether there is more to accomplish. The Day of Judgment after death is a determination of what was accomplished and and whether enough was accomplished or if there is a need to repair or improve anything. The Day of Judgment of the year 6000 is the final one because it is concerned with whether or not the repair was accomplished within the allotted time. At the end of 6000 everything is taken into account, including things that took place after death. After the Day of Judgment, this world will no longer exist because it is the day when everything and everyone is judged for merit to enter the World to Come. Those who merit to go may begin the process. Those who do not merit cease to exist.
Audio Lecture
01:03 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 50

Falsehoods of Christianity

Christianity is false because of its source and its concepts. It's much easier to see the falsehood of Christianity from its origin than from its philosophy because the philosophy is very subtle. Many ideas in Christian theology were borrowed from Judaism and then distorted. The source of Christianity comes from the experience of two or three people who said there was a man who arose and he created a new religion. When it first started, it was the belief that Jesus was a Mashiach and a cult was formed around this concept. Later on, this became much wider and began to be built around a new cult that believed that not only was he the Mashiach, but also an aspect of G-d. The experience of one man which is open to question cannot negate the experience of an entire nation which is not open to question.
Audio Lecture
01:34 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 50

Falsehoods of Christianity

Christianity is false because of its source and its concepts. It's much easier to see the falsehood of Christianity from its origin than from its philosophy because the philosophy is very subtle. Many ideas in Christian theology were borrowed from Judaism and then distorted. The source of Christianity comes from the experience of two or three people who said there was a man who arose and he created a new religion. When it first started, it was the belief that Jesus was a Mashiach and a cult was formed around this concept. Later on, this became much wider and began to be built around a new cult that believed that not only was he the Mashiach, but also an aspect of G-d. The experience of one man which is open to question cannot negate the experience of an entire nation which is not open to question.
Audio Lecture
01:34 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 51

False Messiah

Shabbetai Tzvi said that the Mashiach is an individual who is that last climax of the inyan of the holiness within the klipos. Therefore, in order to do his job he must go into the klipa itself, remove the oros in that klipa, and restore the last of the oros to Israel. He said it's the avoda of the Mashiach to go into the klipos consciously and voluntarily and this is a sheker ve'chazov. The inyan of the Mashiach be'soch ha'klipos is not a voluntary act. The Mashiach is born in the klipos and he can't get out of it. The Ramchal writes about this that the inyan of the Mashiach in the klipos is an involuntary inyan and it's something which causes immense suffering to the Mashiach as such, but it's not something that he G-d forbid would want to enter into. Shabbetai Tzvi felt, believed, and promoted the idea that he had to willingly go into the klipa itself in order to be clarify the last of the oros.
Audio Lecture
01:33 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 51

False Messiah

Shabbetai Tzvi said that the Mashiach is an individual who is that last climax of the inyan of the holiness within the klipos. Therefore, in order to do his job he must go into the klipa itself, remove the oros in that klipa, and restore the last of the oros to Israel. He said it's the avoda of the Mashiach to go into the klipos consciously and voluntarily and this is a sheker ve'chazov. The inyan of the Mashiach be'soch ha'klipos is not a voluntary act. The Mashiach is born in the klipos and he can't get out of it. The Ramchal writes about this that the inyan of the Mashiach in the klipos is an involuntary inyan and it's something which causes immense suffering to the Mashiach as such, but it's not something that he G-d forbid would want to enter into. Shabbetai Tzvi felt, believed, and promoted the idea that he had to willingly go into the klipa itself in order to be clarify the last of the oros.
Audio Lecture
01:33 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 52

Good Shefa and Bad Shefa

A person is born with certain spiritual strengths and a certain status of soul. Certain spiritual strengths are given and others are only potential. In order for G-d to be metiv, He has to influence a certain abundance which produces good. On the other hand, if G-d wants to bring suffering to the world He brings down an abundance of evil through the Satan. Our world is influenced by abundance which can either be for good or can come from evil, depending upon its objective.
Audio Lecture
01:19 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 52

Good Shefa and Bad Shefa

A person is born with certain spiritual strengths and a certain status of soul. Certain spiritual strengths are given and others are only potential. In order for G-d to be metiv, He has to influence a certain abundance which produces good. On the other hand, if G-d wants to bring suffering to the world He brings down an abundance of evil through the Satan. Our world is influenced by abundance which can either be for good or can come from evil, depending upon its objective.
Audio Lecture
01:19 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 54

Aspects of the Redemption

The Gemara in Tractate Shabbos speaks about David's deed with Batsheva. David originally wanted to be one of the Forefathers and asked to be recognized as one. Just as the Forefathers were tested, so too David would have to be tested to be counted in their number, and G-d even told him he would be tested in the area of illicit relationships. We know the purpose of Adam was to bring the tikun to the world. Instead of fixing the world, he brought impurity into the world. Now, the impurity must be removed so the world can be prepared for the World to Come. These two actions need to be taken by the two Mashichim, one through Yosef and the other through David. Mashiach Ben Yosef will eradicate the impurity from creation and Mashiach Ben David will sanctify this world for the World to Come.
Audio Lecture
01:32 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 54

Aspects of the Redemption

The Gemara in Tractate Shabbos speaks about David's deed with Batsheva. David originally wanted to be one of the Forefathers and asked to be recognized as one. Just as the Forefathers were tested, so too David would have to be tested to be counted in their number, and G-d even told him he would be tested in the area of illicit relationships. We know the purpose of Adam was to bring the tikun to the world. Instead of fixing the world, he brought impurity into the world. Now, the impurity must be removed so the world can be prepared for the World to Come. These two actions need to be taken by the two Mashichim, one through Yosef and the other through David. Mashiach Ben Yosef will eradicate the impurity from creation and Mashiach Ben David will sanctify this world for the World to Come.
Audio Lecture
01:32 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 55

The Ninth of Av

It is difficult to relate to Tisha be'Av these days since there is so little connection to all the suffering that happened so long ago. The reason why we have to afflict ourselves on Tisha be'Av is because of the fact that we ourselves destroyed the Temple, because every year that it isn't built it is as if it has been destroyed anew. We are not mourning what was; it is a day to realize that our failure to build it has destroyed it once again.
Audio Lecture
01:28 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 55

The Ninth of Av

It is difficult to relate to Tisha be'Av these days since there is so little connection to all the suffering that happened so long ago. The reason why we have to afflict ourselves on Tisha be'Av is because of the fact that we ourselves destroyed the Temple, because every year that it isn't built it is as if it has been destroyed anew. We are not mourning what was; it is a day to realize that our failure to build it has destroyed it once again.
Audio Lecture
01:28 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 56

Different Influences

Creation was established in what's called the cycle of time and G-d established the world in seven days. The day after the seventh day is not called the eighth day, but called the first day. We have weeks, months, and years that come in a repetitive cycle. The first six days the hashpa'a created the secular; on the seventh day, it created spirituality. Every hashpa'a which exists in this world is a result of two hashpa'os. Either it's a result of the hashpa'a of the hanagas ha'mishpat or it relates to the hashpa'a of the hanagas ha'yichud.
Audio Lecture
01:30 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 56

Different Influences

Creation was established in what's called the cycle of time and G-d established the world in seven days. The day after the seventh day is not called the eighth day, but called the first day. We have weeks, months, and years that come in a repetitive cycle. The first six days the hashpa'a created the secular; on the seventh day, it created spirituality. Every hashpa'a which exists in this world is a result of two hashpa'os. Either it's a result of the hashpa'a of the hanagas ha'mishpat or it relates to the hashpa'a of the hanagas ha'yichud.
Audio Lecture
01:30 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 57


The Ramchal says each one of these events which Klal Yisrael commemorates is not an historical event, rather a certain tikun that was established in the world at that time. These events reflect certain tikunim or certain levels which Klal Yisrael reached at that point in time when there was a certain abundance that came down to creation as a result of that tikun. When we keep these holidays today, we're attempting to recapture the abundance of that tikun that existed then for today and by doing that to activate a similar tikun in creation now. Normally it would be impossible, but when G-d gave us the mitzvos of the holidays He allowed this abundance that once existed to revisit the world every year.
Audio Lecture
01:13 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 57


The Ramchal says each one of these events which Klal Yisrael commemorates is not an historical event, rather a certain tikun that was established in the world at that time. These events reflect certain tikunim or certain levels which Klal Yisrael reached at that point in time when there was a certain abundance that came down to creation as a result of that tikun. When we keep these holidays today, we're attempting to recapture the abundance of that tikun that existed then for today and by doing that to activate a similar tikun in creation now. Normally it would be impossible, but when G-d gave us the mitzvos of the holidays He allowed this abundance that once existed to revisit the world every year.
Audio Lecture
01:13 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 58

Our Roots

The common factor that we see in the Torah is known as the tikun ha'shrashim and this is the essence of the history of the entire Torah. When Adam was created, he was created to do his avoda, to be mishtadel of the mitzvos, and to merit the World to Come. Adam was the type of soul that whatever he did not only affected him but everyone that came after him, because all souls come from Adam. For this reason he was called a shoresh or a root. His actions of mitzvah or sin can influence the purpose of all souls after him. When Adam failed, that purpose was given over to Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yaakov and their descendants.
Audio Lecture
01:03 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 58

Our Roots

The common factor that we see in the Torah is known as the tikun ha'shrashim and this is the essence of the history of the entire Torah. When Adam was created, he was created to do his avoda, to be mishtadel of the mitzvos, and to merit the World to Come. Adam was the type of soul that whatever he did not only affected him but everyone that came after him, because all souls come from Adam. For this reason he was called a shoresh or a root. His actions of mitzvah or sin can influence the purpose of all souls after him. When Adam failed, that purpose was given over to Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yaakov and their descendants.
Audio Lecture
01:03 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 59

Accepting the Written and Oral Torah

When Klal Yisrael said "We will do and we will hear", they were referring to the written Torah and not the oral Torah. G-d created us with an intellect, a mind, so as not to follow instructions blindy. "We will do" means that G-d expects Klal Yisrael to uphold the Torah even without understanding it, and "we will hear" refers to the open miracles that they believe in. Klal Yisrael is the only nation that can correct Adam's sin. To destroy Klal Yisrael is to destroy the entire creation.
Audio Lecture
00:47 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 59

Accepting the Written and Oral Torah

When Klal Yisrael said "We will do and we will hear", they were referring to the written Torah and not the oral Torah. G-d created us with an intellect, a mind, so as not to follow instructions blindy. "We will do" means that G-d expects Klal Yisrael to uphold the Torah even without understanding it, and "we will hear" refers to the open miracles that they believe in. Klal Yisrael is the only nation that can correct Adam's sin. To destroy Klal Yisrael is to destroy the entire creation.
Audio Lecture
00:47 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 60

Different Realities

The laws of the Torah are not behavioral descriptions, they are laws of reality. The universe is built in such a way where there are forces called nature and reality is constructed that way. There is a reality that's subject to the five senses, which is the reality of our universe. The behavior of the physical universe is understood through the laws of science. There is another reality that is beyond the senses which is composed of spirituality and there are beings and there are things that are going on that exist on that plane that we cannot begin to fathom.
Audio Lecture
01:33 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 60

Different Realities

The laws of the Torah are not behavioral descriptions, they are laws of reality. The universe is built in such a way where there are forces called nature and reality is constructed that way. There is a reality that's subject to the five senses, which is the reality of our universe. The behavior of the physical universe is understood through the laws of science. There is another reality that is beyond the senses which is composed of spirituality and there are beings and there are things that are going on that exist on that plane that we cannot begin to fathom.
Audio Lecture
01:33 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 61

Reality of Commandments

When most people sit and learn, they're concerned with finding out understanding the commandments. They'll start from the Gemara, learn Rashi, Tosafos, the Rishonim, the Mishne Torah and they'll see what the actual laws are. Every mitzvah is composed of certain realities and because of these realities, certain laws apply. These laws are actually expressions of the inner reality of a mitzvah. Each mitzvah is different with different realities and laws. One cannot understand the generalities until the specifics are understood. The senses see specifics, while the mind sees generalities.
Audio Lecture
01:31 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 61

Reality of Commandments

When most people sit and learn, they're concerned with finding out understanding the commandments. They'll start from the Gemara, learn Rashi, Tosafos, the Rishonim, the Mishne Torah and they'll see what the actual laws are. Every mitzvah is composed of certain realities and because of these realities, certain laws apply. These laws are actually expressions of the inner reality of a mitzvah. Each mitzvah is different with different realities and laws. One cannot understand the generalities until the specifics are understood. The senses see specifics, while the mind sees generalities.
Audio Lecture
01:31 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 62

The Structure and Design of Mitzvos

When we encounter an idea, the first thing we do is find out what that idea is composed of and analyze the entities involved and its characteristics. The halachos describe these characteristics and are the definition the Torah gives to any specific entity. Every mitzvah has different characteristics that make up its essence and it's through its fulfillment and understanding of its specific halachos that you come to a full understanding of each mitzvah.
Audio Lecture
01:03 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 62

The Structure and Design of Mitzvos

When we encounter an idea, the first thing we do is find out what that idea is composed of and analyze the entities involved and its characteristics. The halachos describe these characteristics and are the definition the Torah gives to any specific entity. Every mitzvah has different characteristics that make up its essence and it's through its fulfillment and understanding of its specific halachos that you come to a full understanding of each mitzvah.
Audio Lecture
01:03 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 63

The Essence of Everything

Halachos are concerned with how the spiritual reality interacts with the materialistic reality of any commandment. History is nothing more than the manifestation of hashkafa. The process of he'ara will manifest through certain instruments which are called osiyos. Each os is a certain he'ara and that's why everything in the world is understood through a concept and labeled by a word. When Adam was first made, G-d asked Adam to name everything because Adam understood the way of the Torah and named everything through understanding them with the osiyos. All the sections of the Torah were written in a certain way and that way is the instrument of creation.
Audio Lecture
01:00 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Basic Hashkafa - Lecture 63

The Essence of Everything

Halachos are concerned with how the spiritual reality interacts with the materialistic reality of any commandment. History is nothing more than the manifestation of hashkafa. The process of he'ara will manifest through certain instruments which are called osiyos. Each os is a certain he'ara and that's why everything in the world is understood through a concept and labeled by a word. When Adam was first made, G-d asked Adam to name everything because Adam understood the way of the Torah and named everything through understanding them with the osiyos. All the sections of the Torah were written in a certain way and that way is the instrument of creation.
Audio Lecture
01:00 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

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